Drupal Advent Calendar 2024 Idea Form

Is there someone in the Drupal Community who inspires you? Would you like to write about them for the Drupal Advent Calendar 2024? Please see this post for more details.

Please submit your ideas by 2024-08-05.

The Advent calendar door entry can be about a person or group of people that you feel have made an important contribution to the Drupal project or community.

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Please tell us a little about the person or people you'd like to feature, their contribution to the Drupal project/community, and why you think they should be featured.

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Please summarise your advent calendar door idea. The aim is to celebrate the people who make the Drupal project happen. We would particularly like stories and anecdotes about the person or people, rather than just a list of accomplishments. We don't expect you to write the whole entry at this stage, 100 words or so should be plenty.

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Not required, but if you have a blog of your own, or have contributed writing elsewhere, if would be helpful to link one or two examples we could review.
If you have a drupal.org account, please tell us your username.