By james, 19 December, 2022

Welcome back to the Drupal Advent Calendar for another door opening.

Today’s module is another simple one, but one that I have found to be surprisingly effective.

The module is called Antibot, and it helps protect your site from bots that like to create fake or spam form submissions.

By james, 18 December, 2022

So we’ve made it to day 18 of the Advent Calendar. Christmas is a week away. The decorations are up, the presents are wrapped, and the excitement for the big day is growing.

And I personally can’t believe I’ve kept going all the way to door 18!

Today I’m going to talk about mailing lists, newsletters, and sending updates to your users.

If you have an email list, you may be using one of the many excellent newsletter services that are available. They are generally reliable and efficient, though they can be expensive.

By lostcarpark_admin, 17 December, 2022

Welcome back to day 17 of the Drupal Advent Calendar, and today we have a module that I have used a lot and always find really helps make sites more usable and user friendly.

Drupal has a really impressive menu system, with a lot of power to create hierarchical menus.

Unfortunately, when it comes to displaying menus, it sometimes feels like it’s stuck in the 1990s.

By james, 16 December, 2022

Welcome back to the Drupal Advent Calendar, and it’s time to open door number 16 and see what tasty module is inside.

If you are building an editorial workflow, then a problem is how reviewers can give feedback about a piece of content. You can report problems, but it can be difficult for the writer or editor to find exactly where in the content item they need to edit.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could highlight a piece of text and attach your comment directly to it?

By james, 15 December, 2022

Welcome back to the Drupal Advent Calendar, and after yesterday’s epic post for the Drupal 10 launch, I will keep today’s short and to the point.

With no subheadings.

We all like a nice looking site, and one thing that helps a site look nice is good typography. You can select nice fonts, but you still need to pick the right characters to display, and that’s where today’s module, Typogrify, helps.

By james, 14 December, 2022


It’s day 14 of the Drupal Advent Calendar, and today is a very special day for Drupal fans. Today we see the launch of Drupal 10, which is sort of a bit like Christmas coming early.

Yesterday I talked about getting ready for Christmas Drupal 10 with the Upgrade Status module, so I thought that today it might be a nice idea to take a short break from modules to see about what we can expect from Drupal 10.

By james, 13 December, 2022

Welcome to day 13 of the Drupal Advent Calendar.

If all goes to plan, Drupal version 10 will be released tomorrow, so this seems a good time to talk about the Upgrade Status module.

Upgrade Status is all about telling you if your site is ready to upgrade to Drupal 10.

It will scan all of the modules present on your site and tell you if there is a Drupal 10 version of the module available.

By james, 12 December, 2022

It’s day 12. Can you believe it? Half way through the calendar already.

Today’s module is a simple, but useful one: AddToAny Share Buttons.

This module is designed to help visitors to your site to share your posts to social media sites or email. It is another one that you can install and just let it do it’s thing.

There are a few options for customisation, but it works fine with the default settings. You may find it helpful to change the default list of icons to display, for example.

By james, 10 December, 2022

It’s day ten of the Drupal Advent Calendar. Wow, double digits!

I want to talk about collecting information from website users, and that often means putting some sort of form on your site, whether it’s a simple contact form or a complex multi-page survey.

Drupal has a built in module for handling this. It’s called Contact, and by default a new Drupal site has a Contact form active. This allows you to fill out a contact form and it will generate an email to inform the site admin.