Today is the twenty-first day of our Advent Calendar, and we are looking at how you will search your Drupal CMS site. We are joined by Baddý to summarise the work her team is doing…
The Search Track, led by Baddý Breidert, Dr. Christoph Breidert and Artem Dmitriiev from 1xINTERNET, has made substantial progress since DrupalCon Barcelona. A key achievement is the integration of the Search Recipe into the Drupal CMS project. This recipe provides a flexible framework for configuring search functionalities based on specific user needs.
To enhance advanced search capabilities, the team has developed a Facet Recipe. While not yet integrated into Drupal CMS, it is under development to improve facet filtering by content type or tags.

The Search Track has required significant collaboration with other module maintainers. The Search API module ecosystem, including Search API Autocomplete, Search API Exclude, and Facets, has undergone changes to accommodate the Search Recipe’s needs.
The team has also been actively collaborating with other tracks to ensure a coherent data model and information architecture for Drupal CMS. This is crucial for advanced search functionalities like filtering and faceting.
Despite challenges encountered during the development process, the team has successfully overcome them and is confident in meeting the January 15th deadline for the initial release.

The Search Track’s work sets a foundation for future development and encourages community contributions. The team welcomes contributions in the form of testing, documentation, and feature suggestions.
By prioritizing community involvement and collaboration, the Search Track aims to make Drupal CMS a more powerful and user-friendly platform for building complex websites and applications.

Thanks to Baddý Sonja Breidert for summarising the work the Search track team are doing. She claims the others have done most of the work, but we suspect she is being too modest. Baddý is the Co-Founder and CEO of 1xINTERNET, a leading European Drupal agency. Baddý has been an active contributor to the Drupal project since 2016 and a board member of the Drupal Association since 2018 where she has served as Board Chair and is now an advisor.
Note: As we were going to press, we learned of the attack in a market in Magdeburg, Germany. We send our sympathies to everyone affected, and hope the inclusion of a photo from the Frankfurt market is not upsetting to anyone.